Koens & Middelkoop
Huckleberry by Kikkerland Design wants children to play outdoors. Designed by Chris Koens and Ramon Middelkoop from the Netherlands, inspired by their children. The line consists of simple tools and toys to start your own outdoor adventure while enjoying the beauty of nature. Huckleberry is about learning by playing together and having fun outdoors!
Over the last few generations, childhood has moved indoors, leaving kids disconnected from the natural world. This worldwide trend has profound implications for children’s healthy development and the future of our planet. Their main vision, A world in which all children play, learn and grow with nature in their everyday lives.

Huckleberry Popcorn Maker

Huckleberry Make Your Own Motor Boat

Huckleberry Morse Code Light

Huckleberry First Pocket Knife

Huckleberry Red Kite

Huckleberry Cable Transport

Huckleberry Kaleidoscope

Huckleberry Make Your Own Fresh Flower Necklace

Huckleberry Binoculars

Huckleberry Sand Tools

Huckleberry Make Your Own Sailboat

Huckleberry My Little Museum

Huckleberry Grass Whistle

Huckleberry Fishing Kit

Huckleberry Make Your Own Perfume

Huckleberry Forest Cutlery

Huckleberry Landscape Paint Kit

Huckleberry Compass

Roast a Toast

Huckleberry Water Brush

Huckleberry Pocket Boomerang

Make Your Own Car

Huckleberry Make Your Own Pressed Flower Frame Art

Huckleberry Carving Knife

Huckleberry Hideaway Tent

Huckleberry Rain Maker

Huckleberry Dual Magnifier


Huckleberry Seagrass Flying Disc

Huckleberry Water Bottle

Huckleberry Wood Carving Tool